

Introduction of Computers, Internet and Social Media Communications:
With the introduction of computers and the internet, The Life of Jesus Activity Book has been revised and upgraded into a digital format providing a resource kit that is available for viewing and distributing online.

The HEART Publications Black Line Master Activity Booklets are designed to assist teachers, catechists and parents as they educate children in the Christian faith. All pages contain literacy-based activities. It is hoped that the children may reflect deeply upon the Gospel messages presented to them and at the same time become proficient in their use of literacy skills.

Studying the GOSPEL STORIES can be made fun and educational.

The Life of Jesus Resource Kit can be used by teachers, catechists and parents. It is to be used in conjunction with the Good News Bible.

The A4 activity sheets provide further clarification of the individual events in Jesus’s life by cross referencing Bible passages. Other features of the activity sheets include; an introductory message, literacy-based activity, artwork for colouring and a final prayer and reflection for life.

As there are many more gospel stories of Jesus that are not included in the activity booklet, additional clipart and full colour artwork has also been provided for the teachers, catechists or parents to create ongoing resources for their students.

The Life of Jesus Resource Kit includes;
31 Gospel story activity sheets (Blackline Masters).
54 B/W gospel story clipart images.
45 full colour gospel story clipart images for digital presentations.
24 Miscellaneous clipart for School Newsletters and Parish Bulletins.
14 Old Testament B/W clipart images.